Public Engagement

Public involvement is an integral part of the transportation process which helps ensure that decisions are made in consideration of and of benefit to public needs and preferences. A core function of the MPO is to provide a forum for effective regional decision-making when it comes to matters concerning transportation. Therefore, the purpose of Public Involvement Process (PIP) is to ensure that the concerns and issues of everyone with a stake in transportation decisions are identified, evaluated and responded to in a thoughtful, thorough and timely manner. Typical transportation matters include, but are not limited to transportation policies, allocation of transportation resources and the prioritization of regional projects.

In accordance with 23 CFR 450.316, federal regulations state that every MPO must develop, adopt and implement formalized procedures for effective public involvement, participation, and consultation to be used during the development or updating of a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) or Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

The MPO seeks to reduce or eliminate language, mobility, temporal, and other obstacles that may prevent minority, disability, low-income and other under-represented populations from fully participating in the metropolitan planning process. It is the policy of the MPO to locate all public meetings in facilities that are ADA accessible. MPO meetings are typically held at the NRPC offices in Nashua, New Hampshire; on occasion, municipal offices are used to hold meetings, with the alternative location well-publicized. Only the City of Nashua is served by public transportation, and as such, MPO meetings are accessible by public transit for Nashua residents only.

Learn about our Transportation Committees
MPO Policy Committee
Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC)

Public Involvement Process for Transportation Planning - Adopted 2019
Public Participation Plan for Transportation Planning - DRAFT 2024
MPO Title VI Program Polices - Final 100623 with Appendix
MPO Prospectus

MPO public graphic