Performance Based Planning

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines Performance-based Planning and Programming (PBPP) as “the application of performance management principles within the planning and programming processes of transportation agencies to achieve desired performance outcomes for the multimodal transportation system.” The purpose of PBPP is to use data-driven indicators to evaluate the current performance of the transportation system as necessary to set strategic directions for the future, analyze how funding is programmed, and evaluate investment outcomes.

Beginning with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) in 2012, PBPP became a requirement for all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State Departments of Transportation (DOTs). NRPC participates in Partnering for Performance in NH (PFPNH), comprised of the four NH MPOS and federal and state agencies to address the shift towards performance-based planning, as well as moving toward coordinated approaches to transportation planning in general.

Performance Measures and Targets